Our values

In its operations, the Company is guided by the principles of publicity, predictability, responsibility, efficiency and transparency, all with the aim of preserving the value of properties and ensuring sustainability and well-being for the life and work of existing and future generations. Aware that by assuming these responsibilities, not only the buildings at the best locations were taken over, but also their history, everything that they once had been and what they are today; we are committed to an active inter-departmental cooperation, preservation of national natural and cultural heritage and smart and efficient management of state properties.

Social responsibility

  • The Company’s operations seek to ensure and justify the expectations of users, business partners and employees.


  • The Company carries out activities in a legal and responsible manner, while ensuring transparency and professionalism, in accordance with the requirements of the profession.


  • The Company fulfills its obligations towards employees, users, business partners and the founder conscientiously, responsibly and in accordance with ethical principles.

Organizational climate

  • By improving the organization of work and constant development and education of employees, the Company seeks to optimize work and business processes.

Zero tolerance towards corruption

  • In its business environment, the Company does not support any form of corruption and creates prerequisites for preventing corruption at all levels, as well as the affirmation of zero-tolerance approach to corruption.